Chios Hardstone Trail
24 km
In the regulations listed below, the words marked here refer to specific terms:
COMPETITORS to competitors, i.e. those who have legally registered and are participating in the race
ORGANIZATION to the Organizing Committee of the Chios Hardstone Trail 5 km, 13 km, 24 km, 42 km
RACE COMMITTEE to the Organizing Committee that is responsible for the execution of the race and takes the decisions.
1.1 The entry to the races implies full acceptance of the terms and conditions.
1.2 Athletes who will compete must understand that they are running in mountainous and rough terrain and all that this implies. They are also exposed to the weather conditions prevailing on the day of the race.
2.1 Participants must be at least 18 years of age for the Chios Hardstone Trail 24 km & 42 km races.
Participants must be at least 14 years of age for the Chios Hardstone Trail 5 km & 13 km race and have a signed Declaration of Responsibility from their guardian.
Participants in all four Chios Hardstone Trail 5 km, 13 km, 24 km and 42 km races are required to sign a Declaration of Responsibility for their participation.
2.2 The participation is considered valid if it has been settled financially.
2.3 The cost of participation is:
Chios HardStone Trail 5Km: 15€.
Chios HardStone Trail 12Km: 20€
Chios HardStone Trail 23Km: 30€.
Chios HardStone Trail 41Km: -€
2.3.1 This includes:
Participation in the race, according to the regulations.
Food after the finish
catering at the Refuelling Stations
T-shirt with the race logo
commemorative medal
2.3.2 In order to validate participation, the corresponding amount must be deposited at the Bank via electronic payment using a debit or credit card.
2.3.3 The deposit, in order for the participation to be considered valid, must be made no later than Sunday, April 20, 2025.
2.3.3 Any bank charges shall be borne solely by the depositor.
2.4 Timekeeping will be done electronically on all four courses.
2.5 Athletes who register and do not attend the race are not entitled to a refund.
Also the Athlete is entitled to a refund of half of the amount paid according to the race he/she participates in if he/she cancels his/her participation until 31/3/2025.
There is no case of postponement of the race. The start may be postponed by a few hours in case of very extreme weather conditions.
For men
Prizes will be awarded:
The first three (3) men in the general classification of the Chios HardStone Trail 5km,
The first three (3) men in the general classification of the Chios HardStone Trail 12km,
The first three (3) men in the general classification of the Chios HardStone Trail 23km,
The first three (3) men of the general classification of the Chios HardStone Trail 42km.
For women
Prizes will be awarded:
The first three (3) women in the general classification of the Chios HardStone Trail 5km,
The first three (3) women in the general classification of the Chios HardStone Trail 12km,
The first three (3) women in the general classification of the Chios HardStone Trail 23km.
The first three (3) women in the general classification of the Chios HardStone Trail 42km.
4.1 Sunday 28/4/2025: Chios HardStone Trail 5km, Chios HardStone Trail 13km, Chios HardStone Trail 24km.
5.1. They are precisely described on the website of the event for each individual race.
6.1. They are also obliged to obey the instructions of the race judges. Failure to comply with the regulations or instructions will always incur the penalty of disqualification. The race judges, when they become aware of infringements of the rules, shall record them and inform the offenders. Any other person authorised by the organisation may also record any infringement which comes to their attention and submit it to the Race Committee for consideration.
7.1 The marking of the route is dense and the markings are defined as climbing signs (dummies), biodegradable paint markings (red and white) and project strips (red and white), which indicate the correct course of the athlete.
The race route of the Chios HardStone Trail 5km, Chios HardStone Trail 13km, Chios HardStone Trail 24km and Chios HardStone Trail 42km through the cobbled streets of the village of Karyes will be with biodegradable fluorescent spray paint, which fades in a few days.
7.2 The route markings placed by the organization are temporary, for the convenience of the athletes and will be removed after the race. This mainly concerns kilometre signs.
7.3 At key points of the route and in case the above mentioned material means are deemed insufficient, there will be volunteers to guide the athletes.
8.1 Athletes participate at their own risk and the organizing authority is not liable in case of injury, as expressly stated in the declaration of responsibility. However, there will be a Volunteer Rescue Team covering the race. There will also be qualified medical personnel and fully equipped ambulances on standby and at selected strategic points.
8.2 Athletes must have been examined by a medical doctor who has deemed them fit to participate in the specific race.
8.3: The start in each race will be a mass start (block)
For the Chios Hardstone Trail 5 km the start will be given at 09:00 am on Sunday morning on 27/4/2025.
For the Chios Hardstone Trail 13 km the start will be at 07:30 am on Sunday morning on 27/4/2025.
For the Chios Hardstone Trail 24 km the start will be given at 07:30 am on Sunday morning on 27/4/2025.
Runners will have their performance based on the difference between their own start and finish time (net time).
9.1 In the 23km Chios Hardstone Trail race, for a finish to be considered valid, it must be within the 5-hour time frame for both men and women in all categories.
In the 41km Chios Hardstone Trail race, for a finish to be considered valid, it must be within the 10-hour time frame for both men and women, all categories.
10.1 Each athlete shall carry his/her race number (bib) on his/her person, which he/she is obliged to have on a prominent place on the front of his/her shirt. The number must remain on the bib for the duration of the race without being folded, thus concealing any element displayed on the bib (sponsors, logos, etc.). Substantial alteration of the number, which may cause confusion to the Station Recorders, shall be punishable by disqualification. Loss of the number is punishable by disqualification.
11.1 The use of a walking stick is permitted. 11.11. The possession and use of a map, compass, GPS, mobile phone or radio (VHF) is also permitted.
12.1 The race takes place in mountainous terrain and therefore in a sensitive ecosystem. It is therefore strictly forbidden to dispose of any kind of objects along the course, such as plastic bottles or any other solid or liquid food packaging material consumed by the athletes during the race. A special plastic waste bag is provided at each feeding station. All athletes are obliged to throw waste into the bag.
13.1 Athletes are obliged to move on the trail without forming groups that extend in width, thus preventing athletes who would like to pass. When an athlete is notified that they must move aside to overtake, they must remain on the uphill (inside) side of the slope.
14.1 The organizing authority shall be responsible for feeding the athletes during the race. On arrival at the station, runners are obliged to clean their hands with antiseptic liquid provided by the organisation before accessing the facilities at the station.
14.2 Each runner is required to carry an individual bottle or cup to fill and drink from the water containers that will be available. There will be no disposable cups!
14.3 There will be tables, every 2 meters, at the station with bananas and individually packaged food items for each runner. Each runner is entitled to one banana and one pack of food items.
14.4 Station volunteers do not serve the runners or have contact with them. They only take care of the availability of supplies at the tables.
15.1 There is no compulsory equipment for athletes. However, it is recommended that they carry a small back or waist pack with some basic supplies such as goggles, a hat, a wide-mouth bag or canteen, solid food of their choice, to cover their needs between stations. Athletes are responsible for carrying one or two containers to receive water and isotonic separately. The abandonment of a backpack along the route at the central stations is the responsibility of the athlete.
16.1. The athletes are obliged to have their number in a visible place, so that the judges can register them. In case an athlete is wearing a windbreaker, he/she should make sure to show his/her number when arriving at the Control Station. Refusal to show the number will mean disqualification. Any athlete who fails to pass even one Control Station will be considered invalid.
17.1 Objections for any reason can only be made by the athlete himself/herself, no later than 3 days after the finish.
18.1 The Committee undertakes to supervise the course of the race with qualified personnel in safety, rescue and medical assistance to athletes in need. In cases where safety personnel and judges indicate to the athletes that they have to change direction for safety reasons, the athletes are obliged to obey. Refusal to comply shall mean disqualification.
19.1 If the need arises (extremely dangerous weather conditions), the Organisers reserve the right to modify the route or even postpone the start for a short period of time in order not to endanger the physical integrity of the athletes.
20.1 The official (final) results of the race are made public several days after the race, in order to allow the cross-checking of the data and the necessary control.
20.2 The final ranking of the races is the ranking provided by the respective timing company and is not open to any dispute. Under no circumstances and for any reason whatsoever will double medals be awarded to athletes and athletes finishing together. It should be clarified that the "net time" provided by the timing company is not a ranking criterion. The only ranking criterion is the crossing of the imaginary finish line.
21.1 The only penalty for all misconduct & regulation violations is disqualification/exclusion.
21.2 Imposed on:
- Route pollution,
- Route cuts
21.3 Apart from the above and due to the participation of the Chios HardStone Trail 23 km and 41 km races in the "HARTA Series 2023" racing championship, our organization is in line with the list of misdemeanors & penalties determined by HARTA for the races participating in its championship.
At the following link the current HARTA Series roster: https://harta.run/poinologio/
22.1 The organizers are not responsible for the death, injury or any damage to the health of competitors who, by submitting the entry form, declare that they are aware of the dangers of the mountain environment and certify that their state of health is good and allows them to compete and that they have recently been examined by a doctor in this respect. However, no athlete will be asked to provide a medical certificate. The athletes themselves are obliged to undergo regular medical check-ups in order to monitor their state of health. The organisers disclaim all responsibility for the physical integrity of the athletes, who must behave responsibly at points on the course where there is an increased risk of falling with unpleasant or fatal results. The organisers disclaim all financial responsibility in the event of external assistance to any athlete.
The Organisation and its partners retain the copyright of the photography and filming of the race by authorised teams undertaking this work. Any athlete whose application for participation is accepted automatically accepts this condition, knowing that his/her face may appear in photographs or videos without being asked for permission and without being able to claim any compensation from any publication of the material.
24.1 To participate in the 42 km race, the athlete must have completed at least one criterium race in the last three years. (Indicative list of criterion races)
25.1 The organisers reserve the right to amend the rules of the race without prior notice.
The above rules apply to all events.